Australia Former Resident Visa (Subclass 151)

Former Australian Resident visa
Former Australian Resident Can Re-Apply For Permanent Resident Visa

Australia Former Resident Visa (Subclass 151) Is For Former Permanent Residents To Re-Apply To Live Permanently In Australia Again

Australia Former Resident visa is for people who have given up their Permanent Resident visa to return and live permanently in Australia.

You must be over 18 and had physically spent at least 9 years in Australia as a permanent resident before you turned 18. Or if you are under 18 and had physically spent at least half of your life in Australia as a permanent resident. Or you have served, or discharged due to medical condition, at least 3 months continuous service in the Australia Defence Force before 19 January 1981.

You must not be older than 45 when you apply for Australia Former Resident visa (Class CB) (Subclass 151). Click here to learn more.

In addition, you must not have been an Australian citizen and kept close active business, cultural or personal ties with Australia since departing Australia as a Permanent Resident.

If you are in Australia but do not hold a substantive visa and your last substantive visa was not a Transit Subclass 771 visa (click here to learn more about Transit visa), you must lodge your application for an Australia Former Resident visa (Subclass 151) within 12 months of becoming an illegal non-citizen.

If you are outside of Australia when you made the application for an Australia Former Resident visa (Subclass 151), you must also be outside Australia at the time the Department of Immigration (Department of Home Affairs) grant you the visa.

Including family members in Australia Former Resident Visa (Subclass 151) visa

Adding family members

You can include members of your family in a combined application or after you have applied. Family members can include newborn child or recently partnered spouse or de facto partner. You may be required to provide an Assurance of Support (click here to learn more).

If you have applied to the AAT to review the Department’s decision to refuse you a visa and the Tribunal has affirmed that decision, you then made a Ministerial intervention request to substitute a more favourable decision and the Minister decided to exercise his s 351 or s 417 or s 501J discretionary power to grant you a visa, the Minister may grant you a Subclass 151 visa.

Australia Former Resident visa (Subclass 151) is a permanent visa and is valid for 5 years from the date of grant (click here to learn more about RRV 155 visa).

Australian migration law is complex and difficult to understand, contact our immigration lawyer for a consultation (fee applies) to help you decide if you are eligible to apply for Former Resident (Class CB) (Subclass 151) visa (click here to find out how an immigration lawyer or registered migration agent can help you). You may also refer to our FAQs for answers regarding visa application or visa cancellation by clicking here.

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This article is not intended to be or taken as migration legal advice. The author of this article disclaims any liability for any action or omission on the information provided or not provided in this article. You should always consult an immigration lawyer or a registered migration agent to form an informed opinion on your immigration matter.

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