Temporary Work (Subclass 403) Visa

Temporary Work (Subclass 403) International Relations Class GD visa
If you are from certain countries, you may be able to work in Australia as a seasonal worker

Temporary Work (Subclass 403) or Temporary Work (International Relations) Class GD Subclass 403 visa: Who can apply for this working visa?

Temporary Work (Subclass 403) visa is divided into 6 streams.

Seasonal Worker stream

Seasonal Worker stream allows people to apply for a Temporary Work (Subclass 403) visa if they are from the below countries to participate in seasonal work for the duration of their seasonal employment:

  1. Timor-Leste
  2. Fiji
  3. Kiribati
  4. Nauru
  5. Papua New Guinea
  6. Samoa
  7. Solomon Islands
  8. Tonga
  9. Tuvalu
  10. Vanuatu

You must be at least 21 and intent to engage as a seasonal worker and to return home after your employment ceased.

You must work in agriculture sector or accommodation in selected locations and tourism (under the Northern Australian tourism pilot program).

To apply for the Temporary Work (Subclass 403) visa under the Seasonal Worker stream, you must be sponsored by a Temporary Activities Sponsor who is approved by the Department of Jobs and Small Business (DJSB).

Pacific Labour Scheme

Pacific Labour Scheme allows people from the below countries to apply for a Temporary Work (Subclass 403) visa:

  1. Kiribati;
  2. Nauru; and
  3. Tuvalu

to participate in the Pacific Labour Scheme (“PLS”). The Pacific Labour Scheme program is endorsed by the DFAT. This program commenced on 1 July 2018 to assist business in rural and regional Australia. It offers workers with low to semi-skilled skills to work temporarily in hospitality, tourism and aged-care sectors.

If applying for Temporary Work (Subclass 403) visa under the Pacific Labour Scheme, you may be granted between 12 months and 36 months visa. However, you must be invited to participate by an approved temporary activities sponsor who is endorsed by DFAT. Sponsorship is valid for 5 years.

There is an annual cap on the Temporary Work (Subclass 403) visas being issued, for example, in 2018-2019, only 2,000 visas are available.

You must be aged between 21 and 45 and you only intent to enter Australia to work under the Pacific Labour Scheme in a position endorsed by DFAT.

If you are applying for this visa in Australia, you must hold a substantive visa but not:

  • Subclass 403 in the Domestic Worker (Diplomatic or Consular stream) unless applying for a further Subclass 403 under the same stream; or
  • Subclass 403 in the PLS unless applying for a further Subclass 403 under the same stream; or
  • Subclass 403 in the Seasonal Worker stream; or
  • Subclass 771 Transit visa (click here to learn more); and
  • Special Purpose visa.

Government Agreement Stream

The Government Agreement stream allows overseas workers to work in Australia under a Temporary Work (Subclass 403) visa for 2 years. However, the Government Agreement stream applies to people from countries that have a bilateral agreement with Australia only.

This is the agriculture visa stream, click here to learn more.

Foreign Government Agency Stream

Under the Foreign Government Agency stream, qualified overseas teachers can apply for a 4 years Temporary Work (Subclass 403) visa to represent a foreign government or to teach a foreign language in an Australian school. You will need a letter of support from your own government ministry or agency naming you as a foreign government agency representative.

Your letter of support must provide details of:

  • your job title and/or duties;
  • period of stay
  • representing your government or agency
  • support for your Temporary Work (Subclass 403) visa application.

If you are applying for this visa as a foreign language teacher, you must provide:

  • a letter from the Australian school or educational authority supporting your intention to work in an Australian school; and
  • a letter from your own government foreign ministry supporting your intention to work as an employee under the Foreign Government Agency stream.

Domestic Worker Stream

Domestic Worker stream allows overseas workers doing domestic work for a diplomat for up to 12 months to apply for the Temporary Work (Subclass 403). You must have DFAT support or approval to apply for under the Domestic Worker stream.

You must be at least 18 and must not be in Australia when applying for this visa.

You can only do full-time domestic work exclusively for your employer who must hold a Domestic Subclass 995 visa (click here to learn more).

Your employer must pay you according with Australian workplace conditions.

Privileges and Immunities Stream

The Privileges and Immunities stream is people who are accorded with statutory privileges and immunities to apply for the Temporary Work (Subclass 403) visa. You must be supported by DFAT to be eligible for this visa.

You must be a person to whom privileges and immunities are accorded under the International Organisations (Privileges and Immunities) Act 1963 (click here to learn more) or the Overseas Missions (Privileges and Immunities) Act 1995 (click here to learn more).

Australian migration law is complex and difficult to understand, contact our immigration lawyer for a consultation (fee applies) to help you decide if your partner can apply for this visa (click here to find out how an immigration lawyer or registered migration agent can help you). You may also refer to our FAQs for answers regarding visa application or visa cancellation by clicking here.

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This article is not intended to be or taken as migration legal advice. The author of this article disclaims any liability for any action or omission on the information provided or not provided in this article. You should always consult an immigration lawyer or a registered migration agent to form an informed opinion on your immigration matter.

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