Training Visa (Subclass 407): Tips On Application

Training Visa (Subclass 407)
To come to Australia for training and paid work

Training visa (Subclass 407) or Training visa (Class GF) (Subclass 407): What is this visa for

Training visa (Subclass 407) is for someone wanting to improve their skills by attending workplace or classroom training or development program in Australia.

You must be nominated by an approved temporary activities sponsor, unless the training is to be provided by the Commonwealth government.

You are permitted to engage in paid work while you are holding a Training visa (Subclass 407).

Training Subclass 407 visa

Can anyone apply?

You can only apply for Training (Subclass 407) visa if your occupation or activity or training program is approved (click here to view list).

You must be at least 18 to be eligible to apply for this visa. In addition, you must have at least functional English, that is, having at least 4.5 in the IELTS test (click here for more information on English proficiency) to be able to apply for this visa.

Training visa (Subclass 407)

Training (Subclass 407) Visa Checklist

The Department of Immigration (Department of Home Affairs) must be satisfied that your intention for applying for the Training visa (Subclass 407) is to undertake occupational training, and not just to work.

You will need to satisfy the Department of Immigration that you have adequate means (amount of funds is similarly to Student visa (click here to learn more about Subclass 500) financial requirements – click here to learn more) to support yourself (and any other dependents) for the duration of your stay. Secondary applicant has work rights.

Training visa (Subclass 407)

Types of Training visa

There are 3 types or streams in the Training visa (Subclass 407):

  1. Type 1 – occupation training required for registration;
  2. Type 2 – occupation training to enhance skills; and
  3. Type 3 – occupation training for capacity building, including overseas qualification, government support and professional development.

Workplace-based training

Training visa (Subclass 407) allows you receive workplace-based training under the occupational training program, the program should:

  1. comprise of at least 30 hours a week of training; and
  2. at least 70% of the training must be conducted at the workplace (cannot be in a classroom or teaching environment).

The training program should include an assessment of your current skill level, training needs, details of your supervisor, trainers and assessors, learning outcomes and how your progress will be monitored and assessed.

Individually structured training

Training visa (Subclass 407) can also allow you receive individually structure training. The training program must be structured or tailored to your individual training needs. The program should:

  1. differentiate between periods of work experience and periods of training or observation;
  2. outline the training objective, time frames and tasks;
  3. assess your current level of skill; and
  4. outline any additional or enhanced skills you are hoping to gain.

Occupational training for registration

Training visa (Subclass 407) also allow you receive occupational training required for registration in order to work in an occupation. The training must be necessary for you to obtain registration or membership or licensing in Australia or in your home country which is mandatory for you to be employed in your occupation.

This is a workplace training and you must already have the appropriate qualifications and experience to undertake the occupational training.

In addition, you must not already be working in the nominated occupation or is seeking to obtain a qualification, for example, membership to a professional association such as CPA or IPA.

You will be required to provide a letter from the regulatory body in Australia or in your home country stating that the training is necessary for you to obtain the mandatory registration to work in that occupation. Click here to see if your occupation requires mandatory registration or membership.

Training visa checklist and visa processing time

How to apply for a Training 407 visa

You must be nominated or sponsored, unless you are sponsored or nominated by a Commonwealth agency (click here to learn more), the Training visa (Subclass 407) application process include:

  1. Sponsorship application, if your sponsor is not already an approved temporary activities sponsor, or your training is to be provided by a Commonwealth agency;
  2. Nomination, your sponsor must nominate you; and
  3. Visa application, if your sponsor’s nomination application is approved, then you can lodge your Training (Subclass 407) visa application.

You can be in or outside Australia to apply for the Training (Subclass 407) visa. If you are in Australia, you must hold a substantive visa which is not:

  1. a permanent visa;
  2. a Temporary Work subclass 403 visa (under the International Relations stream) – click here to learn more;
  3. a Transit visa subclass 771 – click here to learn more;
  4. a Special Purpose visa; or
  5. a Temporary visa specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument.

If you are in Australia but you do not have a substantive visa, your last substantive visa held must not have been:

  1. a Temporary Work subclass 403 visa (under the Domestic Work – Diplomatic or Consular stream) – click here to learn more;
  2. a Transit visa subclass 771 – click here to learn more; or
  3. a Special Purpose visa.

If the immediate above applies to you, you must apply for the Training visa (Subclass 407) within 28 days when your last substantive visa expired or was cancelled and the AAT set the cancellation decision aside, substituting the cancellation, and you applied for the Training visa within 28 days of being notified by the AAT.

You may apply for this visa as many times as you like, but you must have a sponsor and be nominated each time you apply.

The Subclass 407 training visa is usually valid for 2 years and 2 months from the date of grant.

including family members

Including family members

Members of your family unit can be included in your application for a Training visa. If they have not made a combined application with you, they must be listed in the nomination and your sponsor must agree to sponsor them as subsequent entrants.

Australian migration law is complex and difficult to understand, contact our immigration lawyer for a consultation (fee applies) to help you decide if this visa is suitable for you (click here to find out how an immigration lawyer or registered migration agent can help you). You may also refer to our FAQs for answers regarding visa application or visa cancellation by clicking here.

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This article is not intended to be or taken as migration legal advice. The author of this article disclaims any liability for any action or omission on the information provided or not provided in this article. You should always consult an immigration lawyer or a registered migration agent to form an informed opinion on your immigration matter.

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